The Location

This is where Martin’s life on earth was eclipsed:

He was riding his bike (from left to right in the picture above). He was run over by the rear wheels of a truck. It is assumed he was touched by the truck when it passed him, that he fell, and was run over. You can see the forensic marks on the ground – and his last traces.

That’s it.

It is touching to be there. There are lots of flowers, candles, drawings on both sides of the street, and many grieving friends.

By herself, my daughter drew this picture of the event. Martin looks quite happy and mighty on that bike – and too bad the truck on the right wasn’t so small!

The exact location is at Austrasse 90: Map

(These are Luzis impressions – feel free to add you own below in the comments, or submit more via the contact form)

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13 Kommentare

  1. Nous aurions dû nous connaître mieux qu’indirectement par des amis commun et par ton engagement pour des causes qui sont aussi le nôtres. C’est raté mais on continue !

  2. We met him just once, and shared a wonderful afternoon and evening with him – entertaining two strangers he had never met before! This is such a great loss, a citizen of the world has been taken. We are so sorry for his family and friends, and hope that his influence can continue through his writing and campaigns. Bill Rigby and Shan Oakes

  3. Es macht so weh und so traurig…
    der Strassenverkehr fordert so viele Opfer…vor allem die Lastwagen und Velos…
    Es ist so ungerecht und so unnötig.

  4. Auf seiner Fussreise nach Jerusalem hat er bei uns in Tel Aviv logiert und bis spät in die Nacht mit meinem Mann Aron Gedanken zur Rettung der Welt ausgetauscht. Zur gegebener Zeit hat er mir in seiner schönen Handschrift einen unvergesslich warmherzigen Brief zu Arons Tod geschrieben. Es ist nun auch schon wieder Jahre her, dass ich ihm zuletzt begegnet bin, da hat er Stimmen für eine Initiative gesammelt, und wir haben uns eine Weile unterhalten. Obwohl ich ihn nicht gut gekannt habe, bin ich traurig und ratlos über seinen Tod. Der Tod, auch dieser Tod, muss doch einen Sinn haben, wie jedes neue Leben einen Sinn hat? Seine Friedfertigkeit, seine Beharrlichkeit und seine Anmut werden in unserer Erinnerung weiter leben.

  5. I am bereft. I was thinking of Martin just this morning. He lived so lightly in our world, and with such a gentle and illuminating spirit. I feel incredibly fortunate just to know him, even more so to have been his friend.

  6. Dear Martin, you inspired me as many others to follow my dream and passion. Your friendship, supervision and lived experience will remain with we me. Be well, I will carry you with me when I bath in the forests and on long walks on the Oregon coast.

  7. Forgive me that it has taken me so long to write something about my dear friend Martin, but family illness and death has delayed me. As one of the founders of The International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, I met Martin in the very early days, 40 years ago. He was passionate and fierce, in his quiet and humble way, in protecting humanity from its self-destructive impulses. All of us used to refer to him as Saint Martin, as we always felt like we were in the presence of someone who was infinitely kind and gentle and compassionate to all life on Earth. He was a model for us–that we treat life as sacred. It was impossible not to love Martin, and we all did. And he lives on in us.

  8. How did Martin manage to be present to a chance meeting on the Seattle ferry for 25 years? He was a Buddha. Many glimmers of his right livelihood have held up for me what could be.
    My son and I basked in his hospitality in Elm.
    Gratefully, Barbara Vaile

  9. Lieber Martin,
    als ich meiner Tochter heute Mut machen wollte, habe ich mal wieder an Dich gedacht! Unser leider nur kurzes gemeinsames Projekt bei den Gesundheitsberufen fürs Klima und auch die Jubiläumsfeier auf der Aeggli Alp haben bei mir tiefe Erinnerungen hinterlassen, die ich gerne an die Kinder weiter gebe. Ich sehe Dich als Vorbild für eine Zukunft, die auch für die nächsten Generationen in Frieden und erdverträglich gestaltet werden kann. In Dankbarkeit, Sabine Heselhaus

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